Get Your Domain Name
The first thing you need to do before anything else is to get yourself a domain name. It is your digital address that people will use to get connected to your website. For example, the domain name for this website is
To get a domain name, you have to pay an annual fee to a registrar for the right to use that name. Getting a name does not get you a website or anything like that. It's just a name. It's sort of like registering a business name; having that business name does not mean that you also have the shop premises to go with it.
At i4u inc, we offer domain registration for most popular domain such as .com, .org and .net for the price of as low as $10.00 per year. This is less than a dollar a month, almost like two cents per day. Now that is very cheap.
Finding right domain name is very important and there are hardly any good names available for domain name ending with .com, .net or .org. There are many other domains available that end with .live, .us, .webcam, .party, .today and many more. Each of these domain may have higher price per year.
If you want to purchase a domain that already has ownership by someone else, then you can ask them to either transfer the domain to you (Price could cost from few hundred dollars to multi thousands of dollars) or ask them to lease it to you for a monthly/yearly fee.